My favourite questions to ask your SEO agency/employee/contractor in the interview or tender process? 👉 What is your ...
Is SEO a worthwhile investment?
If you own a business, you may have found yourself asking at some point whether SEO is a worthwhile investment. T...
What is SEO & How Does it Work?
SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimisation”. How does SEO WORK? Technical On-site Optimisation & Enhance...
What every startup, small and big business should be doing in 2020?
 My favourite social media strategy that has helped Howard from – an abs...
How do I submit my website to Google?
The quickest way to submit your website to Google is via Google Search Console. This process also applies to (primarily)...
What are the two types of SEO?
SEO can be split into two types: 1. On-page SEO and 2. Off-page SEO. A break down below of some of the tasks that should...
How To Think About SEO & Digital Marketing in 2020
I have had a few calls in the last few months from potential clients ranging from installing solar lights, private inves...
How to Grow Your Backlink Profile in 2020?
Link building is a complex and tiresome task. It’s always front and centre within the SEO industry and there are m...
What does a quality backlink mean for my SEO & Business?
One of the most frequently asked questions I receive when I speak with new clients regarding SEO is “What is a hig...