Don’t waste time stressing over the coronavirus. Turn the news off and work on your business. We live in a digital world, and the best thing you can do is continue marketing your business.

If you’re a small or medium business, I would like to offer you free and personalised SEO advice. Tag someone who may benefit or send us a private message. We would love to help anyone out, especially those struggling at this time.

While this is unprecedented times, working ON your business is the best thing you can do. Here are my 3 biggest tips:

1. Build content on your blog:

(If you run a business or work for a business, in your downtime, the best thing you can do is WORK on your business. This video helps businesses to rank #1 for keywords that your target market is searching for and ways to increase your brand awareness that will benefit your business well beyond this coronavirus crisis. Long-form piece)


2. Google search your domain and look for brand mentions where people have mentioned your brand name but have not linked to your domain.

So the excludes your domain from the search results. Why would you want your domain in the search results?

The “Omega Digital” (quotes are important) is your business name and the QUOTES look for your exact business name in the order you write it. Without the quotes will create additional results as the algorithm is looking for words Omega or Digital. We want both OMEGA DIGITAL as ONE phrase.

The site:au is optional. This is looking for domains that end with the .au domain extension. Essentially Australian businesses. But depending on your business, this may not make sense.

Once you have found web page but cannot locate a link to your website, email them (very politely) something along the lines of

Tip: always email from the domain you are asking for a link from. I.E, not as this looks spammy.

This strategy has literally transformed my client’s backlink profiles single-handedly.


3. When you create blog content (especially HOW TO from the video above), make sure you embed your YOUTUBE videos into your 1000 word articles. This helps Google learn more about your YouTube video.

This article is going to be a project for me.

When you embed articles into your BLOG articles, the following benefits will occur:

  • Your article and video can both appear in the standard Google search results meaning you have double the visibility.
  • Your video could appear in Google Video search:
  • Appear higher in YouTube video search.


4. Run Facebook ads to your blog content and targeting demographics that match your target market – plenty of content on YouTube on how to create ads. Make sure your blog allows for comments as this a positive ranking signal.

Please let me know which of the above you are going to start or if you have any questions below ???